Page 1552 - Week 05 - Thursday, 2 June 2022

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Ms Cheyne, it has not been an easy ride, has it? Idealistic to the nth degree, I will not miss Tara’s lectures at events about how bad we are as a nation, but I will miss her commitment. I remember Tara coming to multicultural events after her worst summer break of all time, with her leg in a cast. Not since Nicola Roxon savaged the press, with her leg in plaster, for filming her in the federal parliament in an electric scooter, has anyone ever demonstrated greater dedication to the role.

Mr Pettersson, as a young MLA, you have copped a lot from our side, and you do always make it rather satisfying when you bite back! I think it was Mark who unkindly referred to you as a “dull headache”, but I will always remember your kindness to me when you supplied me with many long nights worth of newspapers to roll up and smoke, if I was ever in need of something bad for my health and juvenile to cope with this job! Thanks for that. As a good Liberal, I have gone more for the prescription options to deal with the stress of this place, but thank you.

Dr Paterson, who unhelpfully, is seated next to Mr Pettersson: I know that you are watching online. Haven’t we had some interesting meetings over the last couple of years, with constituents who are keen to work with both of us? I will buy you a medal if you ever get the city services minister to allow some much-desired community gardening at the Duffy shops. I have been trying for 10 years. It has been good to chat about the things that we, as Murrumbidgee mums, have experienced in raising our kids in the creek. Thank you for your sincerity.

Ms Orr, the most organised whip in my time here—the friendliest and most considerate whip, too. Thanks for all of the chats about, “Where are our members now?” and the occasional shared eye-roll. I will follow Portia the cat’s adventures keenly on Facebook.

Madam Speaker, thanks for all of the help with the commonwealth women parliamentarian events. I really do hope they have helped some young women to consider the work that we do. I know that my side have been brutal at times. I was on the receiving end of some of Mr Doszpot’s rage from time to time, and Ms Lawder will recall that I needed some help and guidance through all of that, too. However, when I was experiencing trolling a few years back, and I was really falling apart a bit, thank you, Joy, for taking that seriously. It still means a lot to me.

On to the Greens: Mr Rattenbury, I still maintain that you are a very capable person hindered by political catchphrases about keeping people out of prison. You could do so much more. But I thank you for taking my calls when I shadowed you last term, even though I am sure there were literally a million things that you would rather have been doing. I hope you have not finished your running; and, if you ever want to take the tour I offered you of playgrounds in Weston Creek, I am still willing. I think I really must have driven you insane for you to be so obsessed by my choice to stop driving for three months. I suppose I will never know exactly how you did know so much detail about my driving record.

It was no doubt hard for Ms Vassarotti to be a minister as soon as being elected. It is a fact that Ms Vassarotti probably does not know that I used to empty her bin and

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