Page 1454 - Week 05 - Wednesday, 1 June 2022

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we also continue to encourage Canberrans to come forward to receive their flu vaccination, and we thank the many employers who provide vaccination programs for their staff.

Free flu vaccinations are available for priority groups through the commonwealth’s National Immunisation Program, noting that a consultation fee may be charged in some settings. Many people will get a flu vaccination at their GP at the same time they are receiving other health care. We would encourage GPs to bulk-bill when people attend for a flu vaccination, particularly for those priority groups where the vaccine itself is free, and acknowledge that many GPs already do so.

The priority groups for flu vaccination include children aged six months to less than five years; pregnant women; Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people aged six months and over; people aged 65 years and over; and people with certain medical conditions.

The ACT government provides free flu vaccinations to young children through its early childhood immunisation clinics and for pregnant women at antenatal clinics. We are also offering free flu vaccinations at the COVID-19 access and sensory immunisation clinic for people with disability or living with a mental illness and their families, support staff, volunteers and carers. Eligible people can contact the bookings team on 5124 7700 to arrange an appointment.

In addition, we are ensuring that flu vaccine is available to health providers that support hard to reach or vulnerable client groups, including Directions, Interchange General Practice and Companion House. Canberra Health Services is also offering some people a flu vaccination when they present for other health care, where they are identified as being in a priority group and it is appropriate in the setting. We will continue to consider options for further provision of free flu vaccination, should that be required in the local context.

The ACT government’s Equity to Access program also continues to make a vital contribution to our COVID-19 vaccination program. The program ensures that every member of our community can be vaccinated and protected against COVID-19, regardless of their personal circumstances. The Equity to Access program was scheduled to wind-up at the end of April but, due to an increase in eligibility for second boosters, we are now looking at extending this important vaccine service to 30 June.

In 2022, the Equity to Access program has administered a total of 947 COVID-19 vaccine doses through a combination of in-reach vaccinations to homebound individuals and pop-up clinics arranged through non-government partner organisations. Of these, 95 have been winter booster doses and 564 have been first booster doses. In the past month, suburban pop-up clinics have taken place in dispersed locations throughout Canberra, including Kambah, Kaleen, Monash, Braddon, O’Malley and Florey. A pop-up clinic was also available at the Reconciliation Day event at the National Arboretum to enable opportunistic vaccination of eligible people five years and older. About 50 people took the opportunity to get boosters at the pop-up clinic, along with a number of paediatric doses being given.

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