Page 1196 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 4 May 2022

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The ACT government used to share these views that I have expressed. It used to support the defence industry. It had a defence industry strategy and an advisory board. Given that this attack came from a government backbencher and seemingly expresses the view of a government coalition party, I wonder whether that is still the case. I certainly hope that it is the case and that it still supports that industry.

Mr Barr, in 2017—this is from the government defence industry strategy—said:

We recognise that collaboration between the Australian, state and territory governments and defence-related industry is essential to strengthen our nation’s security.

He went on to say:

We are ready to strengthen and grow existing partnerships and show leadership in promoting state and territory collaboration to enhance defence capabilities.

The question that arises, given what has been said by the Labor Party’s coalition party members, is: does Andrew Barr still believe this? Do the Labor Party still believe this? I hope that they do, and I genuinely hope that at least the Labor Party will support my motion here today.

MR BARR (Kurrajong—Chief Minister, Treasurer, Minister for Climate Action, Minister for Economic Development and Minister for Tourism) (3.15): Mr Assistant Speaker, if you have been in this place for long enough, you will see everything, or nearly everything, and you will see many things cycle through many times. This type of motion from Mr Hanson in a federal election campaign is not particularly unexpected, and I do not think it is particularly useful in the context of the issues that are before this place. I do not intend to debate military strategy or, indeed, enter into the political fray and the wedge that Mr Hanson is endeavouring to engender through this motion today. What I am proposing is an amendment, which I now formally move:

Omit all text after ‘That this Assembly’ and substitute:

“(1) notes

(a) the defence industry is a major employer in Canberra;

(b) the importance of the defence industry to the security of Australia, alongside diplomacy, international partnerships, strategic context, intelligence, and soft power and influence;

(c) the Australian Government has committed $191.5 million of military equipment to the democratically elected Ukrainian government to assist in the defence of the Ukrainian people and nation; and

(d) climate change is one of the biggest threats to Australia’s security and that dependency on fossil fuels diminishes nations’ energy security.

(2) condemns Vladimir Putin’s military aggression in Ukraine and the consequential suffering of ordinary people bearing the costs of war;

(3) acknowledges the right of the people of Ukraine to sovereignty and territorial integrity;

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