Page 1155 - Week 04 - Wednesday, 4 May 2022

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support innovation in the food and fibre sector, and to enhance participation, knowledge exchange and employment opportunities across the food and fibre supply chain.

We have had an overwhelming response from Canberrans and people across the region telling us what they want from the capital food and fibre strategy. In the wake of several natural disasters and a global pandemic, there is strong recognition of the need to increase our food security and strengthen our food supply chains and regional resilience. To do this will require the availability of fertile land, nutrients and water in both rural and urban areas as part of an enhanced food production network. This will be a challenge in the face of our growing population and competing demands for land use.

Achieving this will also require the engagement, participation and enthusiasm of Canberra and the region’s diversity of people, with the breadth of skills, knowledge and experience that they bring. The interest in the strategy shows that we are on the right track.

With this engagement, there is cautious optimism. There is cautiousness because of the uncertainty of some stakeholders on whether the strategy will bring meaningful change in the ACT and region to support sustainable and healthy food and fibre production while maintaining our unique biodiversity. There is optimism because this government has the opportunity, with this strategy and the planning reforms that are ongoing, to address longstanding issues such as diversified, innovative and resilient agricultural systems and lease tenure for urban and rural landholders committed to ecological sustainability and land stewardship outcomes.

The capital food and fibre strategy will be finalised in 2022, and with it and its subsequent implementation will come the hopes, health and a hive of opportunities for Canberrans. In the interim we as regulators, planners and enablers will need to come together to look at the policy drivers that can support the realisation of the vision and objectives of the strategy.

Before I close, let us celebrate World Bee Day by acknowledging the significant role that our bees and biodiversity play in the “wellbeeing” of all Canberrans. Without bees for pollination, our agriculture and our natural ecosystems would collapse. Bees are critical for our food security, biodiversity and ecosystem health. They are not simply a pot of honey. Thank you, Mr Assistant Speaker and fellow MLAs, for your time. I present the following paper:

World Bee Day and the ACT’s Capital Food and Fibre Strategy—Ministerial statement, 4 May 2022.

I move:

That the Assembly take note of the paper.

MS ORR (Yerrabi) (11.06): I would like to thank the minister for bringing forward this statement on the importance of bees and the importance that bees have in the

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