Page 1057 - Week 04 - Tuesday, 3 May 2022

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peak of the Omicron BA.2 wave and that, therefore, it would be an appropriate time for jurisdictions to change the way close contacts—that is, household contacts—are managed.

The ACT Chief Health Officer considered this advice in the context of the ACT’s epidemiological situation and advised the ACT government that such changes could be implemented here in the ACT. As a result, on 21 April, the ACT government announced changes to TTIQ requirements, including the management of household contacts, in line with the advice of AHPPC and to align with New South Wales and Victoria wherever possible.

With effect from 11.59 pm on 26 April, household contacts are no longer required to complete a mandatory quarantine period provided they comply with certain risk mitigation requirements for a period of seven days from the last time someone in the household tested positive for COVID-19, with the date of collection of the test regarded as day zero.

A household contact is now required to: advise ACT Health that they are a household contact by completing a COVID-19 online declaration form; wear a face mask in all indoor spaces when outside of the home, if aged 12 years and over; work or study from home, where it is practical to do so, and where it suits the employer and employee; and notify their employer and/or educational facility that they are a household contact. This will assist employers and educational facilities to determine whether the household contact can work or study from home or can attend the facility following an assessment of risks in accordance with work health and safety obligations.

If it is not practical to work or study from home, and there is mutual agreement to attend work or study, the contact must undertake COVID-19 testing and return a negative result in the 24 hours prior to returning to work or study and then every 48 hours if ongoing attendance is required. If needing to attend a gathering that is unavoidable, they must have returned a negative COVID-19 test result in the 24 hours prior to attending. Finally, household contacts must not enter a high-risk setting such as an aged-care facility or hospital unless they reside there or need care, noting that high-risk settings can consider granting exemptions from this requirement.

Household contacts are also expected to practise COVID-smart behaviours and, as much as possible, avoid attending crowded places, spending prolonged periods of time in indoor spaces with others and interacting with people who are at higher risk of severe illness. Any household contacts who are symptomatic or cannot comply with the risk mitigation requirements will be required to quarantine for seven days.

The ACT government acknowledges that quarantine requirements have resulted in workforce pressures in many workplaces and businesses. We hope that these changes will ease those pressures and assist Canberra businesses to return to normal operations in a safe and considered way. It is also our hope that these changes will reduce the burden of quarantine on families and individuals, improving the wellbeing of Canberrans.

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