Page 808 - Week 03 - Wednesday, 6 April 2022

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that was launched in October 2021. This work also targets work-related violence and aggression and work-related sexual harassment.

In relation to the ratification of the ILO convention 190, which recognises the right of everyone to a world of work free from violence and harassment, I note that this is within the federal government’s responsibility. I have taken the opportunity once again to advocate to the commonwealth for the ACT’s commitment to this convention.

As I noted to the Assembly previously, each year the ACT government’s State of the Service Report is released for the ACT public service. This report provides an account of operations in the ACT public service, including workforce profile data. The 2020-21 State of the Service Report for the ACT public service was tabled on 2 December 2021 and provides an account of operations in the ACT public service for the 2020-21 reporting year.

In addition to providing a range of performance metrics about the ACT public service, the report included insights from data resourced from the pilot ACT public service employee survey. Data from the pilot survey included in the State of the Service Report provides insights on key outcome measures of high-performing organisations. The pilot survey also explored a range of employee views on leadership, performance, workplace culture, bullying, discrimination and sexual harassment. This information is being used to better understand our workforce and to inform actions for improving their workplace experience.

The pilot ACTPS employee survey data continues to be analysed and is being used to inform and monitor the ongoing performance of the ACT public service and to identify opportunities for improving workplace performance and culture. These insights will be drawn upon in the 2021-22 State of the Service Report to monitor and report key measures of culture and performance of the ACT public service.

Since the last update, work has also continued on reviewing existing processes and data sources for reporting bullying and harassment in the workplace. By working to improve the capture of data, which includes work to rectify workplace cultural factors that may prevent someone from reporting an incident of bullying and harassment, sexual harassment or gender-based violence, the ACT public service is better able to monitor its performance and where we need to develop strategies and implement actions to continue improvement.

By working to collect better data and enhance workplace culture to support incident reporting, the ACT public service is better able to accommodate reporting against the number of bullying and harassment, sexual harassment and gender-based violence incidences in the ACTPS in the 2021-22 State of the Service Report.

I am also pleased to advise members of the Assembly that the Justice and Community Safety Directorate has conducted the first stage of public consultation on proposals for reform of our Discrimination Act 1991 to improve protections under the act, including the proposal to introduce a positive duty to eliminate discrimination.

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