Page 758 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 5 April 2022

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I am really pleased Ms Lawder has brought this motion to us. She has run a number of recycling motions over the years, and I can see that she is genuinely committed to recycling in this area. I also agree with most of the points in her original motion, but I do not agree to the model she put in that motion. I understand that some people have different views about the trial. We certainly can, and should, make improvements before we roll it out to Canberra. That is exactly why we are running a collection trial first—so that we can talk to people and find out how to do it better.

We have the benefit of learning from other councils, and most other councils are using the same model we are—a weekly collection of organic waste, with fortnightly collection of residual rubbish. I am really lucky to be living in one of the trial suburbs, Macquarie, so I can see how this works directly. I also represent Belconnen, and I am pleased to hear that my fellow MLAs who represent Ginninderra have also been talking to people about this trial. I would encourage them to tell people that there is a lot of information on the website. There is a targeted FOGO email address that has been there for a very long time, and I have been encouraging people to put in their feedback and to look at those questions. We are running the trial to find out what is going on.

I have used the FOGO service and I have spoken to my friends and family, to community groups, to local composters, to businesses and to constituents. I also met with one of the most active public critics of FOGO recently. We had a really great chat in a cafe over a coffee. He has walked and door-knocked a lot of suburbs to talk about this issue, and I applaud his grassroots campaigning. Interestingly, he told me that most of the people he is speaking to are supportive of FOGO, and I was pleased to hear that, because that matched up with my experience when I talk to people.

He highlighted some of the really good points that have been highlighted in Ms Lawder’s motion, that some people need extra bin capacity. Often it is those who are in bigger families, those with kids in nappies, or those with certain needs as a result of a different life stage or a disability, or some other reason. I absolutely agree with that; I have heard the same thing from some constituents.

I have discussed it several times with the minister, prior to this motion coming forward. We have agreed that for the permanent service we need to look at ways to make this service work for everyone in our community. That is part of a just transition to a safer climate. For FOGO, that includes considering free additional bin upgrades for those who need them, and we have that in this amendment.

We have also discussed the long-term problem of nappies in landfill. Waste in landfill—any waste—is not part of a truly circular economy, so we need to plan for better outcomes. Nappies are a bit of a problem waste stream. There are some options around, including reusables, and there are some recyclables, but it is actually a really hard issue. It needs some more work. It needs more consideration, and it needs more consultation. I am also pleased to see Minister Steel’s amended motion commit to further work on that issue.

I am confident that our city-wide FOGO service will provide great outcomes for the community and for the environment. If you are in the FOGO trial, or if you have any

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