Page 756 - Week 03 - Tuesday, 5 April 2022

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(c) commitment to organic waste recycling has seen very low contamination rates so far during the pilot; and

(d) no final decisions have yet been made about the format and delivery model for a citywide household FOGO collection service;

(2) further notes:

(a) some households produce more waste than others, including those with bigger families and young children, people with disabilities, those with additional medical needs, and multi-generational families;

(b) some Canberra families already have their own composting and recycling practices in place, yet still have rubbish to be collected;

(c) waste from nappies is a concern for many young families and those with caring responsibilities;

(d) the ACT Government is already engaging with pilot participants in a variety of ways to understand their experiences with the FOGO pilot, including an already existing online survey, a direct email address for collecting feedback at any time, a dedicated multi-unit development engagement officer and a detailed survey of participating households which will be launched this week; and

(e) the feasibility study into a dedicated FOGO facility recommended an in-vessel facility to reduce odour risk in processing organic waste, which is the preferred technology the ACT Government is procuring to build; and

(3) calls on the Government to:

(a) continue to collate input and feedback from pilot participants, through online and other forums, to inform the design of a future citywide FOGO collection service;

(b) consider and address the needs of Canberra households that produce a large amount of waste in the design of the citywide service, potentially including free additional bin upgrades for those who need more capacity;

(c) investigate better environmental options for nappy waste as part of planning for the citywide FOGO service and report back in June 2023 on how this waste stream will be addressed through future household collection services;

(d) ensure state of the art processing of organic waste and stringent odour reducing policies and practices for a future FOGO facility; and

(e) publicly release the feedback and results of the current FOGO trial in Belconnen.

MS CLAY (Ginninderra) (3.21): I would like to thank Ms Lawder for bringing this motion to the Assembly and I would like to note that the Greens are happy to support Minister Steel’s amendments to that motion. The Greens have been campaigning for FOGO for 14 years. We called to deal with food waste in our parliamentary agreements with Labor as far back as 2008.

Long before I joined the Greens, I was in the recycling sector. I worked for government on recycling, and then I ran a recycling company. I know from a

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