Page 1009 - Week 03 - Thursday, 7 April 2022

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within CSD. There are feedback and complaints mechanisms provided to applicants regarding the grant process.

(g) Providing this level of detail would require the diversion of significant resources.

(h) Providing this level of detail would require the diversion of significant resources.

(i) There are Grant Guidelines available for each grant program and these are published on the CSD website here: Grants, Scholarships and Awards - Community Services ( when grant rounds are open.

2)(a) Recipients of the Disability Inclusion Grants and I-Day Grant programs are published on the CSD Grants Website at Grants and Awards | Disability - Community Services (

(b) Providing this level of detail would require the diversion of significant resources.

(c) Providing this level of detail would require the diversion of significant resources.

(d) This information is published on the CSD website as at 2(a).

(e) There are sometimes conditions placed on successful recipients of the Disability Inclusion Grants and I-Day Grants where there are specific requirements of the grant that needs to be met. This could include the requirement to obtain the proper insurance for an event. The conditions placed on these grants vary broadly and depend upon the nature of the grant, the recipient who has applied and the project being funded. Generally , there is no condition placed on a recipient of the Disability Inclusion Grants and I-Day Grants regarding making public comment.

3) Information about the broad range of grants outside the competitive grant programs, including grants delivered in response to COVID-19, are reported in the CSD annual report and is available at:

Community Services Directorate Annual Report 2016-17

Community Services Directorate Annual Report 2017-18

Community Services Directorate Annual Report 2018-19

Community Services Directorate Annual Report 2019-20

Community Services Directorate Annual Report 2020-21

4) Providing this level of detail would require the diversion of significant resources.

5) The outcome of the Disability Inclusion Grants and I-Day Grants are reported in the annual report and this information is available publicly at the websites provided in question 1(a). Any conditions on a grant applicant are included in the individualised Letter of Offer provided to successful applicants, which are not published.

Attachment B

Question 608: Minister for Justice Health

There are no grant programs funded under the Justice Health portfolio.

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