Page 619 - Week 02 - Thursday, 24 March 2022

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A supplier complaints management procedure has also been established for managing supplier complaints about the conduct of territory procurement in a consistent way across government. The procedure provides an effective and efficient process for managing supplier complaints relating to the acquisition stage of procurement activities.

In addition, a range of steps have been taken to improve procurement practices across the ACT government. They include the development of a range of fact sheets and better practice guidance on key procurement topics and how they relate to the territory, available on the Procurement ACT website; and live, virtual and face-to-face training on a range of procurement-related topics such as probity, procurement, commissioning, value for money and panel management.

The release of the first three of a series of e-earning modules designed to support those undertaking procurement has included Introduction to Procurement, released on 13 May 2021; ACT Government Probity in Procurement, released on 25 June 2021; and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander procurement policy, released on 11 October 2021.

We have launched the ACT government procurement capability framework to support the professional development of procurement professionals across ACT government. We have established a procurement community of practice to support procurement capability, uplift and share in better practice knowledge. We commenced the Government Procurement (Charter of Procurement Values) Direction 2020 in September of that year, which reflects the ACT government’s commitment to actively considering a range of ethical, environmental and social factors to ensure that procurement processes and outcomes reflect the values of the ACT government and the broader community.

As the actions that I have outlined indicate, a significant number of new and improved procurement policy and frameworks, guidance material, training, professional development and procurement capability-building initiatives have been developed and implemented recently across the ACT government.

The government will be providing a formal response to the Auditor-General’s report into the Campbell Primary School modernisation project procurement matters in April. This will also detail further work that we have in train to ensure that procurement practices across government are robust, transparent and conducted with probity.

Taken together, this demonstrates the ACT government’s commitment to continuously improving the procurement framework and the training and support provided to agencies across government to ensure public confidence in future procurement processes. I move the amendments circulated in my name:

Omit all text after “That this Assembly”, substitute:

“(1) notes that:

(a) the ACT Government is committed to ensuring that all procurement activity is fair, open and undertaken in accordance with the provisions

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