Page 469 - Week 02 - Wednesday, 23 March 2022

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Already, the Tuggeranong cyclepath works have been completed in the town centre, separating cyclists and pedestrians, reclaiming street space for people, to improve safety, and providing connections through to the path network on places like Soward Way. Later this month consultation will begin on the Tuggeranong foreshore project, including improvements to active travel connections around the lake.

In Belconnen, we are extending the bikeway as part of stage 2 of the project from the University of Canberra to the AIS and in to the city, with construction work expected to kick off before the middle of the year. This will provide safe, separated infrastructure along the key C3 link from Belconnen to the city, as well as on Haydon Drive, as part of the road safety fund initiative jointly funded with the Australian government.

I am pleased to say that the ACT government has now received the feasibility study on path improvements around Lake Ginninderra, delivering on ACT Labor’s election commitment. This provides the early design on improvements to minimise potential conflicts between people walking and cycling around Belconnen’s lake foreshore. In the second half of the year we look forward to consulting on the priority improvements with the Belconnen community, ahead of any construction.

Later this year, construction will begin on a new shared path along Sulwood Drive in Kambah, the missing east-west connection between Drakeford Drive and Athllon Drive. New traffic lights at Mannheim Street will significantly improve access for Kambah residents and other people in the Tuggeranong region, both to the Mount Taylor Nature Reserve and to the new off-road shared path which will separate riders from the road, linking the C4 and C5 principal cycle routes. Work is also progressing on a new bridge over Weston Creek, connecting the Molonglo River path to Coombs, to provide direct access to the C5 principal route.

The government is also supporting the fastest growing parts of Canberra, like Molonglo and west Belconnen, by constructing a new seven-kilometre off-road shared path from Drake Brockman Drive to Bindubi Street, creating new path connections to the city. In Canberra’s north, we are undertaking a route planning study to improve cycling connectivity in the Gungahlin town centre.

We are also creating better connections in and out of the city by undertaking a route planning study for a new garden city cycle route, providing key connections through the eastern side of the inner north. The government is currently in procurement for a feasibility study which will inform the route options to be discussed with the community.

Work will also commence on raising London Circuit this year. This major city-shaping project will deliver protected bike lanes and an enhanced streetscape as a key objective of the project to make it easier to move around the southern part of the CBD, to access future light rail and to make better connections with Lake Burley Griffin and the Acton waterfront. These improvements will make it safer and more attractive to walk and ride along one of our key strategic transport gateways to the city from the south on Commonwealth Avenue.

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