Page 449 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 22 March 2022

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Firstly, in relation to energy and water, the ACT government runs a free program for small businesses providing onsite energy and water assessment; a tailored report outlining opportunities to reduce electricity and gas bills; and a 50-50 rebate capped at $5,000 to replace inefficient gas and electrical appliances with efficient electrical ones, and upgrades including to lighting, space heating and cooling equipment, refrigeration systems, hot water systems, insulation and appliances. Since 1 July 2012, 1,200 businesses have participated, with 600 businesses having claimed a rebate. Businesses who undertake an upgrade save on average $2,400 per year in energy bills. The program is capturing data on an annual basis the energy savings around CO2 and what these savings are providing in terms of bills.

In relation to waste, we also run the business recycling program, which provides free advice, education and signage to assist with reducing waste and increasing recycling. Over 960 businesses across the Canberra region are participating in the program. With dedicated support from the team, accredited businesses have all achieved reductions in waste to landfill—some over 90 per cent. Data collected through the participation of the program, including for paper and cardboard, mixed recycling, organics sent for recycling and waste to landfill, is used to calculate emissions reduction achieved from each business.

In relation to transport, EPSDD’s fleet advisory service supports Canberra businesses and community organisations to transition their vehicle fleets to zero emission vehicles. The service provides free, independent and targeted information on, and experiences with, zero emission vehicles and associated technologies to give equipment and support for businesses to adopt these vehicles in their fleet. The program is being publicly launched with Minister Rattenbury on 4 April 2022. Further support will be provided in 2022 to community organisations with access to the sustainable household scheme providing interest-free loans of up to $15,000 to help with the purchase of electric vehicles for this sector.

The community clubs program is a free program for ACT community clubs who have, or have had, a class C gaming licence prior to 1 July 2021. Participating clubs received a free onsite energy assessment, a tailored report outlining opportunities to reduce electricity and gas bills, and a co-contribution rebate capped at $75,000 to replace inefficient gas and electric equipment with efficient electric equipment. Small clubs that spend less than $400,000 on electricity are required to invest one dollar for every dollar of program support, while large clubs—those that have more than $400,000 in electricity bills—are required to invest three dollars for every one dollar of program support. To date, 16 clubs have registered, with 12 having received onsite assessments.

In closing, I note that we know that many ACT business want to reduce emissions, reduce energy costs and improve sustainability, and we remain committed to supporting them to achieve these goals. Thank you.

MS CLAY (Ginninderra) (4.41): I would like to thank Dr Paterson for bringing this motion forward today. It is really good to be part of a government that is working on so many solutions. We know that we are in a climate crisis, and it is really important

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