Page 447 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 22 March 2022

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complex or larger organisations would certainly benefit from engaging in a specialist carbon advisory service. However, there is considerable merit for small business to be able to benefit from a single, authoritative carbon calculator that is more specific to their operations.

In a jurisdiction of our size, creating our own carbon calculator that is specific to both our climate and businesses may be prohibitively expensive. The Net Zero Emissions Policy Forum provides a mechanism for state, regional and subnational governments across the world to exchange knowledge, capabilities and policy resources to address common challenges. This idea, I think, is exactly why the forum was established, to enable jurisdictions to not have to do everything on their own and to share knowledge. The objective of the forum is to provide, effectively, a library of best practice emissions reduction policies, a platform for governments to connect with their peers, and to facilitate joint problem solving through interjurisdictional taskforces and collaborative work.

The ACT, as a founding member, can suggest priority areas for collaboration and encourage member jurisdictions to pursue the development of a single authoritative carbon calculator for Australian businesses. I hope to have the opportunity to call for consideration of this initiative, as a founding member of the forum. We are currently working with jurisdictions to find a date when everyone can attend for the first meeting of the forum. It is hoped to be next month, in April. This meeting is intended to determine priority focus areas and inform the future workplan of the policy forum.

So this is a timely motion. It gives me, as the ACT’s representative on that forum, hopefully a tripartisan priority to take forward to the initial meeting. The intent of the forum, as it has been established across party lines, is, as much as we possibly can, to put party politics aside to work on practical solutions for our respective communities. This motion has been put forward in that spirit, and I hope that it will be supported by the Assembly. I commend it to you all.

MS LEE (Kurrajong—Leader of the Opposition) (4.32): I move the following amendment:

Omit paragraph (1)(a), substitute:

“(a) the ACT Legislative Assembly has tripartisan commitment for climate action and taking necessary future steps to achieving net zero emissions by 2045;

(ab) the costs and benefits associated with businesses reducing their carbon emissions;”.

The Canberra Liberals support Dr Paterson’s motion in principle, but we felt it was very important for the motion to accurately reflect the tri-partisan support for action on climate change that we have in this place. All members in this chamber agree that action on climate change is vital for the future of our city, our country, and, indeed, our world. The Canberra Liberals have made our position clear on this.

For years, all three parties have demonstrated their commitment to taking action on climate change and giving the Canberra community opportunities to make the changes

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