Page 371 - Week 02 - Tuesday, 22 March 2022

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The ACT’s COVID-19 vaccination program continues to be world leading, with 96.2 per cent of eligible Canberrans aged five and over having received two doses of vaccine. As of 21 March, Canberrans also continue to be among those leading the nation in their uptake of paediatric vaccines, with 79.7 per cent of five to 11-year-olds having had a first dose, and 33.6 per cent having had a second. With booster or third doses, there is 71.7 per cent coverage of people aged 16 and over.

Our vaccination coverage is an exceptional achievement that has put the ACT in a strong position as we move to living with COVID. It represents a strong partnership between the ACT government, primary care providers, and a range of community partners, as well as the commonwealth government. We wish to thank everyone who has contributed to the vaccination program. We also thank every Canberran who has come forward to get vaccinated and to receive their booster dose once eligible.

We strongly encourage anyone who is eligible and has not yet received their booster or primary doses to come forward to ensure the best protection for themselves and the community. Vaccinations are readily available at ACT government clinics, as well as through GPs and pharmacies across Canberra. The Novavax vaccine is also available for primary doses in more than 20 ACT GP clinics and pharmacies.

The ACT government’s Equity to Access Program continues to make a vital contribution to our vaccination program. The program ensures that every member of our community can get vaccinated and be protected against COVID-19, regardless of their personal circumstances. The Equity to Access Program provides people who are not connected to mainstream health services with the opportunity to get vaccinated in a way that is appropriate and accessible for them. This includes people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, people living with disability and their carers, members of the LGBTIQ+ community, and people living in social housing or insecure accommodation.

As part of this program, the government has resumed operating pop-up vaccination clinics. ACT Health has run seven walk-in pop-up clinics so far this month across locations in Canberra city, Turner, Gungahlin, Conder and Kambah. Fifty-four vaccine doses, primarily boosters, were administered at these clinics. Next week, additional clinics will be held across the territory in suburbs including Isabella Plains, Conder, Coombs and Turner. These clinics play an important role in making vaccination accessible to people who may find it difficult to travel to the AIS or other vaccination clinics.

The ACT Health directorate will continue to work with community sector partners and healthcare providers to identify areas of the community where targeted programs and assistance are needed. Canberra Health Services also continues to offer in-reach vaccination to patients in settings such as hospitals, mental health units, dialysis centres, adult incarceration centres, disability hubs and methadone clinics.

This year the Equity to Access Program has delivered 351 vaccine doses to members of our community who may not otherwise have been able to access this vital health care. This brings the total to almost 2½ thousand vaccine doses in the program’s

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