Page 82 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 8 February 2022

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planning for facilities in the town centre and the district. Community facilities are key to the future of the town centre, both for their provision of important community services as well as their value in providing employment. The ACT government has commenced work towards the new community centre in the town centre as a commitment of the parliamentary and governing agreement for the Tenth Legislative Assembly.

The second recommendation of the standing committee is agreed, and criterion 43 and the new rule 44 will be removed from draft variation 364 to reserve priority commercial space in the town centre. This would be an ideal site for a large Australian government department, and we would love more Australian public service employees to join our ACT government employees in the Gungahlin town centre.

Recommendation 3 proposes that unsold blocks in the Gungahlin East precinct are sold as a precinct. The recommendation includes details proposing a mix of uses and how the land sales process may achieve this outcome. It has also recommended that the precinct is designed in consultation with the community.

The ACT government agrees in principle to this recommendation and is strongly committed to a precinct planning approach to these blocks. This precinct planning approach includes setting the planning framework for land release development and uses along Flemington Road.

Land releases will be in accordance with the ACT government’s indicative land release program, with the method of release determined by the Suburban Land Agency in the context of the precinct planning outcome and community consultation. The appropriate mix of commercial and community floor space for future years land releases will be considered in light of the commercial employment assessment I mentioned in response to recommendation 1.

The fourth recommendation refers to requirements for a precinct planning outcome for Gungahlin East, where the blocks are sold individually. This recommendation is also agreed in principle. The ACT government has a strong commitment to a precinct planning approach for Gungahlin East. This can be achieved by either one developer or multiple developers, with sales or deed conditions requiring a delivery of part or all of the coordinated precinct. As with the previous recommendation, the appropriate mix of uses for this precinct will depend on the results of the commercial employment assessment.

The fifth recommendation suggests that an additional two storeys of building height be applied to all blocks with height limit provisions in the town centre. This recommendation is agreed in principle. Any additional two storeys will be applied to specified sites in precinct 2B but only where the additional height does not have an adverse impact on adjacent development.

Building heights in metres will be adjusted to allow for higher floor ceiling heights for commercial developments. The draft variation already proposes an additional two storeys for buildings in precinct 2A, mixed use east along Flemington Road, and for this reason additional storeys will not be permitted in that precinct.

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