Page 8 - Week 01 - Tuesday, 8 February 2022

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As you may be aware, the ACT Road Safety Strategy and regulatory reforms have introduced minimum passing laws for overtaking cyclists and mandatory training and testing of driver’s ability to drive safely around vulnerable road users including cyclists.

In line with the ACT Road Safety Strategy, and in conjunction with the Austroads national standards for cycling, TCCS consider on-road bicycle facilities as part of all new road planning, design and construction. However, in areas with older road infrastructure that may not comply with current design standards, it is not always possible to retrofit facilities due to the limited widths, parking demands and other activities along the route.

TCCS has introduced an On-Road Cycling assessment that incorporates the provision of dedicated bicycle lanes on roads in older Canberra suburbs. In this respect, Southern Cross Drive will be assessed for the provision of a continuous bicycle lane in coordination with a future resurfacing program. This includes assessing smoothed kerb transitions between the road and nearby path as appropriate.

I trust this information is of assistance.

Parking—Campbell shops—petitions 21-21 and 40-21

By Mr Steel, Minister for Transport and City Services, dated 30 November 2021, in response to petitions lodged by Ms Lee on 6 October 2021 concerning parking and traffic management in Campbell.

The response read as follows:

Dear Mr Duncan

Thank you for your letter of 6 October 2021 regarding petitions 21-21 and 40-21, lodged by Ms Elizabeth Lee MLA. The petitions request a whole of suburb review be undertaken of parking and traffic problems in Campbell, with a view to implementing a parking and traffic management plan for the area.

Over recent years Campbell has seen considerable growth. The Government recognises that this has changed travel pattens and parking behaviours in the area.

To address this, Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) will undertake a parking and traffic management study for the Campbell precinct. This study will include a review of the publicly available parking and the effectiveness of current traffic management within the suburb.

It is understood that some of the current parking behaviours are a result of the continued building work on the Campbell Five development. The implementation of temporary traffic management arrangements will also be reviewed to identify opportunities to address or improve practices during the ongoing construction of that precinct.

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