Page 329 - Week 01 - Thursday, 10 February 2022

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3. an area that is open to the public and is designated for use by cyclists or animals; or

4. an area that is not a road and that is open to or used by the public for driving, riding or parking vehicles; or

5. a shoulder of a road; or

6. any other area that is open to or used by the public so far as a declaration under section 12 (Power to include or exclude areas in road transport legislation) declares that the relevant legislation applies to the area; but

7. does not include an area that would otherwise be a road related area so far as a declaration under that section declares that the relevant legislation does not apply to the area.

b) The official name(s) of the legislative instrument(s) providing the relevant definition of “road reserve” in 1(a) is the is Road Transport (General) Act 1999.

c) An electronic copy of the legislative instruments(s) providing the relevant definition of “road reserve” in 1(a)

(2) Refer: Attachment A.

(3) The term ‘road infrastructure’, as used on the Transport Canberra and City Services (TCCS) website, includes public transport infrastructure.

(4) Yes.

(5) The planning and land authority consider that the bus layover spaces meet the Territory Plan definition of ‘ancillary use’. Ancillary use is a permitted use as listed in the PRZ1 zone development table.

(6) In accordance with condition 5(b) in the Notice of Decision for DA 202138229 dated 22 May 2021, operation of the bus layover spaces must not commence until the proponent has completed a detailed operational noise assessment and introduced (if required) any noise mitigation measures, to the satisfaction of the planning and land authority or the Environment Protection Authority.

(7) This information will be available on the public register in accordance with Part 3.6 of the Planning and Development Act 2007.

(8) See (6).

(9) See (6), noting that works associated with DA 202138229 are not within an RZ4 zone.

(10) The Easty street layover is intended to be an overflow for the primary layover located on Launceston Street, as such, there will likely be no need to use the Easty Street layover at times outside of the peak operating hours (between the hours of 7:00 am and 10:00 pm) for bus movements in the area. Noting this, it is an operational decision as to when and where buses operate from (rather than an enforceable road

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