Page 187 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 9 February 2022

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We do not just talk about supporting our police officers to score political points; we actually do it. Yet again the Canberra Liberals are scaremongering for their own political advantage, while failing to stand up for our police when it actually counts. They must apologise to ACT Policing for their continued attack on our hardworking officers, particularly with regard to the rollout of online reporting.

It is important that Canberrans have a range of ways to engage with ACT Policing and reporting crimes and, despite what Mr Hanson may say, ACT Policing are not changing how they respond to crime but are exploring a range of modern ways that community can report incidents, crimes and other matters. This will be in addition to the current triple-zero and police assistance phone lines, and it will be a gradual rollout over the next 12 months. It will be another way for the community to engage with police, complementing the methods already available.

ACT Policing anticipate that people could self-report incidents such as vandalism, minor property damage and minor burglaries where there is little evidentiary material, and other matters. This would be similar to online tools already available to allow people to report historic sexual assaults and minor traffic collisions.

So I urge Mr Hanson to stop misleading the public about what the introduction of online reporting means and to instead support ACT Policing to do their jobs. Our police deserve better and so does the Canberra community. While Mr Hanson trots out his stale and failed law and order campaign, I will continue to work with the Chief Police Officer to support our officers to keep the community safe.

I reflected in question time on how the Canberra Liberals have not changed. This motion is another example. It is the same, tired old things because that is what Zed tells them to do.

In closing, I once again offer my congratulations and gratitude to all police officers for their ongoing service to our community. Together we will ensure that Canberra remains a safe city.

I move:

Omit all text after “That this Assembly”, substitute:

“(1) extends its thanks and appreciation to ACT Policing for continuing to keep our community safe in these challenging and uncertain times;

(2) recognises the ACT Government’s strong record of investment in ACT Policing, including in the 2020-21 Budget, which contained:

(a) over $9.7 million to improve accommodation for our police and emergency services in Gungahlin;

(b) $4.2 million to meet the growing and increasingly complex workload associated with forensic medical services;

(c) $6.6 million to replace ACT Policing’s radio core communication system; and

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