Page 150 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 9 February 2022

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Alongside this, we recognise that the community sector has an important role in the ACT, especially in the human services areas within my portfolio responsibilities. Across mental health, disability, seniors, veterans, carers, volunteering and community recovery, the ACT community sector is an important service delivery partner. Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, the combined work of the community and public sector in the ACT has been essential. The Canberra Relief Network, delivered jointly with Volunteering ACT, is a great example of this collaborative work for the benefit of our community. As we continue to look at ensuring that the ACT government is a leader in best practice procurement, I look forward to working with my government colleagues to ensure the strength of our public and community sector workforce.

Clause 1 agreed to.

Clause 2.

MR GENTLEMAN (Brindabella—Manager of Government Business, Minister for Corrections, Minister for Industrial Relations and Workplace Safety, Minister for Planning and Land Management and Minister for Police and Emergency Services) (11.33): Pursuant to standing order 182A(b), I seek leave to move an amendment to this bill that is minor and technical in nature.

Leave granted.

MR GENTLEMAN: I move amendment No 1 circulated in my name and table a supplementary explanatory statement to the government amendment [see schedule 1 at page 196].

Amendment agreed to.

Clause 2, as amended, agreed to.

Clauses 3 to 10, by leave, taken together and agreed to.

Clause 11.

MR CAIN (Ginninderra) (11.34): The Canberra Liberals will be opposing the insertion of section 22SA into the Government Procurement Act 2001, being clause 11 of the bill. This section gives the Secure Local Jobs Code Registrar the ability to suspend an employer’s certificate or impose or amend conditions on the certificate if the registrar has reasonable grounds to believe that the employer has not complied with the secure local jobs code. As both Minister Steel and Minister Gentleman would be aware, the registrar already has, under division 2B.4 of the act, the powers to make decisions with respect to a complaint about an employer’s compliance with the code, or in response to the registrar’s own investigations into an employer’s compliance with the code. Such powers already exist.

Following such a complaint or own-motion concern, the registrar can conduct an audit and request information, following which, if non-compliance is found, the certificate

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