Page 142 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 9 February 2022

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system is important to deliver on our vision of a livable and sustainable city. We want a system that is clear, easy to interact with and understand and which encourages participation in planning.

The reformed planning system will be focused on livability, prosperity and the wellbeing of the residents of the ACT. We will be putting people at the heart of the planning system. This means recognising and protecting those aspects of the city that make it an attractive place to live, managing sustainable growth and development without compromising the ACT’s valued character. It also means a planning system which continues to facilitate a strong economy in the territory, attracting and creating jobs and the right kind of investment.

The reform of the planning system will encourage investment in the territory by setting clear strategic planning direction that identifies and supports opportunities for investment, reducing the complexity of legislative processes and providing flexible assessment pathways and design guidance for planning outcomes.

Land use planning can do much to continue the growth and diversification of the ACT economy. The ACT planning strategy establishes strategies and actions to plan for the continued growth and diversification of the ACT population and economy. The strength of the ACT economy rests upon its workforce and the high-value services they provide. Actions in the 2018 planning strategy are aimed at improving productivity, livability and sustainability that will help to attract and retain the ACT’s most important resource, its people.

While Canberra already has a strong base in the administrative and professional service sectors, we also need to continue to enhance our competitiveness in developing our knowledge and innovation industries. This includes building on sectors where we have competitive advantage—tertiary education, research and technology, health care and professional services—while also growing and attracting new and innovative sectors, such as renewable energy and space.

Through the reformed planning system, with a new planning act, a new Territory Plan and district level planning, we can position ourselves to take up opportunities to grow and diversify our economy. The reformed system will encourage investment by being clear on the types of outcomes we want to achieve across the city. Planning provisions in the new system will enable this investment, rather than impose barriers. A more flexible, people-focused and sustainable system will mean investors and developers can be innovative and creative in their approach to development, leading to better outcomes for our people.

This is an exciting time for planning in the ACT as the directorate continues this important work to build a planning system that responds to the needs of Canberrans and positions us as an innovative and diverse city. The planning reform is one part of the puzzle. A city that attracts jobs and provides the lifestyle we cherish is important, but we also need to ensure that those jobs are safe and secure.

The ACT government is committed to providing secure and, where possible, ongoing employment. We recognise the adverse social and financial effects that insecure work

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