Page 3918 - Week 13 - Wednesday, 1 December 2021

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This government’s commitment to insourcing demonstrates the value we place on our public service, and on secure employment. The insourcing framework is being developed to have a sophisticated approach to analysing proposed government outsourcing of services or works. It will not simply be a matter of deciding on the lowest cost option. Instead, under this new framework, a decision about insourcing will consider how the whole community can be better supported by the public service.

The insourcing framework’s evaluation model will be wider in scope than evaluation models of the past. It is being designed to include considerations like economic costs and benefits, social costs and benefits, environmental costs and benefits, and the public interest. The framework operates to and aligns with the future direction and priorities of the government as reflected in those of the ACT public service.

It will also incorporate the government’s ground-breaking wellbeing indicators. The government’s wellbeing indicators are a commitment to providing the people of the ACT with the opportunity and ability to lead lives of personal and community value, with qualities such as good health and time to enjoy the things in life that matter, in an environment that promotes personal growth and is sustainable.

Measuring wellbeing is about having a sense of our progress around the things that matter to our quality of life and that help us to live our lives well. Putting this at the heart of the insourcing framework further embeds our commitment to the wellbeing of the people of the ACT.

Embedding wellness indicators in an evaluation model of this kind demonstrates this government’s commitment to balancing innovation and wellbeing. Incorporating the wellbeing indicators into the insourcing framework will see the government well placed to embrace new directions on work design, work-life balance, and strategies that harness potential and broaden our perspectives on how the ACT public service works in teams.

The insourcing framework is being designed with additional considerations in mind. These include industrial relations considerations, workforce considerations, transmission of business, workforce supply and demand, capital procurements, infrastructure requirements, talent acquisition and technology requirements.

Consultation on the insourcing framework has commenced, supported by a discussion paper circulated to government directorates, public sector bodies and ACT unions. The insourcing framework will benefit from the insight that these experienced stakeholders can bring to our consultative discussions. Further consultation with our stakeholders will occur as we develop the detail of the framework.

Through consultation we are hearing the reasons why secure employment is important to the people of the ACT. Secure work makes it easier for workers to get bank loans and to buy a home. It means they can take leave when they are sick or need to look after their loved ones, without putting their job at risk. It means they can have the confidence to spend money to support the ACT community and the economy, boost growth and create even more jobs.

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