Page 3300 - Week 11 - Thursday, 11 November 2021

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applied to their ongoing medical training program. The Blue Buddies mentors are all medical officers, drawing on their own experience to provide trusted advice and support. They are found on the ward by their distinctive blue coloured name badge.

CHS is ensuring that there is a strong focus on the implementation of improving medical engagement and culture strategy. The purpose is to deliberately invest in opportunities for medical engagement to make a positive impact on workplace culture. The strategy includes four priority areas that were drawn from medical officer feedback—promote a safe and collegiate workplace, improve communication with medical officers, promote a medical voice in organisational decision-making and high-level committees, and ensure equitable workloads.

A total of eight recommendations from the culture review have been completed to date, with significant progress having been made on the other recommendations. There is an incredible amount of work within a total of 92 discrete actions to implement the recommendations. At the 27 October 2021 oversight group meeting, 60 actions had been completed, with 26 on track and six actions being actively managed to ensure that all recommendations are addressed by 30 June 2022.

The eight recommendations completed to date are: recommendation 5, review better mechanisms to better integrate clinical streams of the community health services within the clinical divisional structures in CHS; recommendation 8, memorandum of understanding for improved collaboration between the ACT and New South Wales public health systems for joint ministerial consideration—this recommendation has been transitioned to another program—recommendation 10, a clear requirement for senior clinicians to collaboratively participate in clinical governance activities; recommendation 11, the choosing wisely program; recommendation 12, clinically qualified divisional directors across each clinical division with business manager support within CHS; recommendation 17, public commitment; recommendation 18, culture review oversight group; and recommendation 20, change management and communication strategy.

There has been a deliberate goal to deliver culture reform through applying evidence-based thinking in the workplace culture framework. The framework was developed in partnership with the Australian National University’s Research School of Management and is our road map for culture reform. It is designed to act as a guide to develop and implement evidence-based practices that foster respect, inclusion and trust. It guides each organisation’s approach to key cultural changes, through supporting the people and the system that deliver high quality health care to our community and to be an employer of choice, both now and into the future.

Madam Speaker, there has been a significant focus on understanding the critical learning gaps across the ACT public health system. We have made significant progress with the manager-leader development training, with the first pilot training course taking place in the coming weeks. This program will see a significant investment in our manager and leader capability across the ACT public health system and builds on local manager and leadership training already taking place across the ACT public health system. On communications, there has and continues to be

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