Page 3036 - Week 10 - Friday, 8 October 2021

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election, when the government will be able to say, “We’re about to release blocks of land as we go into the next election.” I have seen it many times before. But the community wants action now.

Minister Davidson congratulated Minister Steel for getting a community centre! The reason there is not a community centre now is that it was unaffordable for the community because of the way the government had it built by the private sector. Maybe community centres need to be built by the government. Maybe that is why people pay exorbitant rates. Do not come in here and thank the minister for finally sorting out the complete stuff-up he has made in the development of this area!

Vitally, the amendment removes the accountability of the government nominating a start date for construction. We know what will happen. As Mr Hanson outlined—we have seen it time and again—the government will postpone and postpone until they are good and ready. If the community has to wait longer—I hope we can get this decision reversed—it had better be a bloody good shopping area!

Question put:

That the amendment be agreed to.

The Assembly voted—

Ayes 15

Noes 8

Ms Berry

Ms Orr

Mr Cain

Mr Braddock

Dr Paterson

Ms Castley

Ms Burch

Mr Pettersson

Mr Hanson

Ms Cheyne

Mr Rattenbury

Mrs Jones

Ms Clay

Mr Steel

Mrs Kikkert

Ms Davidson

Ms Stephen-Smith

Ms Lee

Mr Davis

Ms Vassarotti

Mr Milligan

Mr Gentleman

Mr Parton

Question resolved in the affirmative.

Original question, as amended, resolved in the affirmative.

Appropriation Bill 2021-2022

[Cognate bill:

Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2021-2022]

Debate resumed.

MR ASSISTANT SPEAKER (Mr Davis): I understand it is the wish of the Assembly to debate this bill cognately with Executive Business order of the day No 2—Appropriation (Office of the Legislative Assembly) Bill 2021-2022.

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