Page 1479 - Week 05 - Thursday, 13 May 2021

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not only colleagues but managers, HR and the CEO. And those who have resigned have left in a last-ditch attempt to preserve their own dignity, reputation and mental health, due to the ongoing failures of ACT Health and CHS.

The government must demonstrate that, in achieving the recommendations of the report, staff are more satisfied, systems have changed, and confidence is growing. It is something that the minister needs to demonstrate.

Some progress has been achieved with five of the 20 recommendations. At the time that I wrote my motion, that was the latest information I had, although I believe the minister said that now seven of the 20 recommendations have been implemented, which is even better. We continue to work on other areas. Many meetings have taken place. We have heard here in the chamber about individual units, one or two of them, trialling a program to see a change to their culture in the reporting of harassing behaviours.

However, it has been 800 days since the completion of the review, and concerns that I am receiving from on the ground indicate that not enough is happening. While all the trials are going on, and that is great, how is the government tracking them? What is the evidence being collected? How are we measuring for success?

At the time the report was being compiled, based on feedback, it was ascertained that, shamefully, 12 per cent of staff had been subjected to physical harm, sexual harassment or abuse at work. Of those, 46 per cent indicated that it was by someone they worked with, while 37 per cent said it was by a member of the public. Only 22 per cent of staff at the time had confidence in the way grievances were resolved once identified and reported. What are those figures now, 800 days on? We need to know. The public has a right to know. The health workers have a right to know. Pride in working for the ACT public health system at the time was low; bullying was common; confidence in grievance resolution was very low. What are the current reported confidence levels in the grievance resolution process?

Much work has been undertaken, but evidence of concrete results from this work has not been presented alongside the reports of actions taking place. After 800 days, the Canberra community has a right to know if these matters have improved on the ground in practical, concrete and measurable outcomes.

The minister is good at coming in here, and going on TV, saying, “We are working on it.” Assurances are one thing, but I am concerned that we have not seen the concrete evidence that should accompany such statements. As to the identified issues in the review, have they been resolved in any way? The last update suggested five have been. The minister will now come to the table saying that there have been seven recommendations completed in the last 800 days. Which seven have been completed? What of the other 13? When will they be completed? It is time for the minister’s assurance to translate to measurable action and for us to see an end to these systemic problems.

It would be good if the minister was able to see the further 13 recommendations actioned and completed in the next 200 days, by the 1,000-day mark after review.

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