Page87 - Week 01 - Wednesday, 2 December 2020
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who introduced the Blueprint for Youth Justice when you were the responsible minister.
I also want to respond to a question that was asked of Ms Davidson in relation to SHOUT. I would just let members opposite know that, when SHOUT was funded in the 2018-19 budget, responsibility for SHOUT funding was moved from the disability portfolio into the community services portfolio, in recognition that the self-help organisations that it supports are not just disability organisations. I quote from the 2018-19 budget:
The government will provide ongoing support to Self Help Organisations United Together (SHOUT) to ensure it can continue to assist and build capacity for self help groups in the ACT community.
Nothing has changed since that budget statement was made, and I would encourage the Leader of the Opposition not to revert to her previous strategy of unnecessarily creating anxiety in the disability and community services community by somehow implying that there is not an ongoing commitment.
Questions without notice
Statement by Speaker
MADAM SPEAKER: Members, on the first day back, and with a third of the Assembly being new members, can I just draw everyone’s attention to standing order 113B, concerning supplementary questions. It says:
Immediately following the answer to a question, one supplementary question may be asked by the Member who asked … provided that the supplementary question is relevant to the original question or arises out of an answer given, contains no preamble, introduces no new matter and is put in precise and direct terms.
So for February’s question time, please be aware of that.
Inaugural speeches
MADAM SPEAKER: It is my understanding that, being 3 o’clock, we will come back to papers later and we resume the inaugural speeches. As with this morning, inaugural speeches are heard with respect and in silence. With that, I give Ms Castley the call.
MS CASTLEY (Yerrabi) (3.00), by leave: I begin my first speech by acknowledging the traditional owners of the Australian Capital Territory, the Ngunnawal people, and pay my respects to their culture and their elders.
As a country music singer, I have performed in pubs and clubs all over the ACT and Australia wide, but this gig of politics is one I never saw coming. For this proud chick from Charny, it is still sinking in.
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